Programs Available

Infant Program

Curriculum and Information about our Infant Program

Infant classes follow a daily schedule. Each child has a daily form which is filled out with their daily activities, naps, feedings, diaper changes and if they need anything for the following day. The parents need to provide formula or breast milk for their child until they are eating and drinking whole milk. We provide all the baby food it is made fresh at the center, we do not use any jar or canned food for our infants. Our school app helps parents stay connected with updates and information to their child's classroom.

6 Months- 18 Months

Social & Emotional
Communicate emotions purposefully and intentionally, non-verbally and possibly with a few familiar words. Recognizes self as a unique person with emotions. Comforts self in a variety of ways. Responds positively to limits. Shows a sense of satisfaction when making things. Explores environment with presence of adults. Seeks close proximity to familiar adults. Initiates play with familiar adults. Participates in routine. Participates in interaction with peers.

Initiative Motor Skills
Explore the environment through coordination. Coordination should increase. Practices new skills balance. Demonstrates willingness to try new activities. Uses both hands together. Uses a variety of ways to meet simple goals. Can eat finger food with hands. Can focus on an activity. Coordinates senses with repeat actions to achieve goal movements. Uses objects in new ways.

Math/ Cognitive Self Help
Recalls information over a period of time. Participates in washing hands. Mirrors and repeats things seen before. Anticipate the beginning and ending of events. Follows guidance for safety. Uses simple actions or objects in pretend play. Use simple strategies to solve problems. Pays attention for quantities. Matches objects. Participate in adult initiated movements. Shows awareness of the size of objects.

Explore how things fit and move. Prefer familiar adults and routines. Explore the physical world. Combine action to make things happen.

Language/ Reading/ Writing
Shows understanding of simple requests. Begin to use single words or gestures. Initiates basic information. Enjoys books, story time, and singing. Points to familiar pictures in the book. Explores sounds and recognizes familiar sounds.

Attentive and responds to language and sounds (teacher demonstrates.) Uses sounds and gestures to express wants, needs, and feelings. Attempt to respond to basic forms of social communication. Shows interest in books, pictures, songs, and rhymes. Responds to familiar books.

Reading/ Writing
Engage to vocalize sounds. Shows ability to transfer and manipulate objects with hands.

Social and Emotional
Expresses a variety of emotions. Understands self as a separate person from others. Comforts self in simple ways. Expresses and acts on impulses. Initiates interactions with peers & teachers. Repeats actions that elicit social responses.

Gross Motor
Demonstrates strength and control of head, arms, legs and trunk. Transfer a toy from one hand to another.

Birth- 6 Months

Sensory- motor
Uses mouth and tongue to explore objects. Uses sense and movements to explore immediate surroundings.

Physical Well-Being
Shows awareness of own body. Interacts with adults in physical activities. Expresses when hungry or full. Demonstrates emerging participation in dressing.

Cognitive Skills
Exhibits differentiated responses. Mirrors simple actions and facial expressions of others. Anticipates next steps in simple familiar routines. Explores real objects, people, and actions.

Explores objects, and attends to events in environment. Notices differences between familiar and unfamiliar people and objects. Imitates repeated movements. Explores properties or objects.

Examines objects with lips and tongue. Uses simple actions and make things happen.

Toddler Progam

Curriculum, Schedule, and Information about our Toddler Program

We have two toddler classrooms. Our first toddler classroom is 18 months - 2 year old. The second toddler classroom is 2 year old - 3 year old. The parents need to provide diapers and wipes for their child in the toddler classroom. We potty train in the older toddler classroom with ongoing participation and assistance from parents. The parents will receive a daily report about their child’s day, including their naps, meals, and activities which they participated in. Our school app will help parents stay connected to their child’s class activities with pictures and daily updates. We have conferences and evaluations twice a year for our toddler classes.

Toddler Schedule
6:30-8:20 Supervised Free Play
8:20-9:00 Breakfast Time with Friends
9:00-9:15 Diaper Check/ Potty Time
9:15-9:45 Circle Time/ Songs, Weather, ABC’s
9:45-10:30 Diaper Check/ Potty Time
10:30-10:45 Outdoor Play, Gross Motor Activities, Dancing, Yoga
10:45-11:00 Diaper Check/ Potty Time
11:00-11:20 Supervised Free Play
11:20-11:55 Music, Art, (Painting, Coloring, Play Dough) Learning Activity
11:55-12:05 Diaper Check, Potty Time

12:05-12:40 Lunch Time
12:35-12:50 Clean Up ,Set Up for Rest Time, Potty, Diaper Check
12:50-2:45 Rest Time
2:45-3:00 Wake Up, Diaper Change, Toileting, Individual Activities
3:00-3:15 Snack Time
3:15-4:00 Art Project/ Books Songs
4:00-4:30 Math/ Learning Stations
4:30-4:45 Diaper Check/ Potty Time
4:45- 6:00 Free Play or Outdoor Play/ Departure


  • Diapers are changed or potty time taken every two hours

Language and Writing
Shows Appreciation for Reading Books
Telling Stories
Flash Cards
Listening to Educational Music
Letter Sounds
Animal Sounds
Beginning of Learning Names/ Name Recognition
Making Prediction About Pictures in Stories

Beginning of Counting
Collecting Things
Playing with Blocks (Building)
Counting Hands and Feet
Playing with Magnets

Feeding Birds
Using a Magnify Glass
Learning About Animals
Learning About Plants
Doing Small Science Experiments

Tearing, Scrunching Tissue Paper
Playing with Play-Dough
Coloring and Drawing
Drawing with Chalk
Playing with Pots and Pans
Playing with Musical Instruments
Listening to Music
Baking Cookies

Social Studies
Life Skills
Learning About Important People in the Community
Introduction to Maps
Learning About Different Holidays and Celebrations
Learning About Different Languages (Spanish, Croatian, Hindi, Russian)

Social and Emotional
Follows Two Step Directions
Shows Independence
Able to Feed Self
Expresses Wants and Needs
Able to Separate from Their Parents/ Guardians

Preschool Programs

Curriculum, Schedule and Information about our Preschool Program

Our preschool classes are split into different age groups: early three year olds - pre-school room one, three to four year olds - pre-school room 2, and four and five year olds - pre-k classroom. We do expect all preschoolers to be fully potty trained. We follow a normal school like schedule with child facilitated activities and teacher facilitated activities. Parents will receive a daily report about their child’s day, including their naps, meals, and activities which they participated in. Our school app will help parents stay connected to their child’s class activities with pictures and updates. We have conferences and evaluations twice a year for our preschool classes.

Preschool Schedule
6:30 8:20 am Arrival/ Free Play
8:20- 9:00 am Potty and Breakfast Time
9:00-9:15 am Clean up, Table Activity
9:15-9:35 am Circle Time/ Stories/ Weather
9:35- 10:15 am Planned Activity (Science, Reading, Math, Social Studies)
10:15-10:30 am Potty Break
10:30- 11:00 am Learning Stations- Art, Music, Dramatic Play
11:00- 11:45 am Gross Motor/ Outside play/ Yoga/ Aerobics/ Dancing
11:45- 12 :00 pm Story Time, Manipulative

12:15-12:45 pm Lunch Time
12:45-1:00 pm Prepare for Rest Time/ Potty
1:00- 3:00 pm Nap Time/ Reading Time
3:00- 3:15 pm Potty Break/ Wash Up, Quiet Activities, Clean up
3:15- 3:45 pm Snack Time
3:45- 4:00 pm Learning Stations, Project, Individualized Activity
4:00- 4:30 pm Music/ Gross Motor Activities
4:30-4:45 pm Art (Play-Dough, Finger Paint, Drawing, etc.) Planned Activity
4:45- 5:00 pm Potty Break/ Wash up
5:00-6:00 pm Free Choice Until Departure

Language and Writing
Writing the Alphabet
Writing Numbers
Spelling First and Last Name
Recognizing All Uppercase and Lowercase Letters
Phonological Awareness

Counting to 100
Recognizing Numbers to 100
Shapes and Drawing Shapes
Social Skills
Making Friends
Following Directions
Understanding Others Needs and Wants
Empathy & Sympathy

Solar System
Living/ Non-Living Things
Explore Light and Sound
Life Cycles
Similarities and Differences

Dramatic Play

Social Studies
How People Live
Our Surroundings
Presidents and Important People in History
Community Helpers

Listening and Speaking
Speaks audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
With modeling and support, uses the conventions of standard English.
With modeling and support, uses words acquired through conversations and shared reading experiences.

Summer Camp

Papillion Enrichment Center Summer Camp

Our program for children ages five year olds to eight year olds. We have three planned fields trips each summer and other reach out programs that come visit our center such as: The Bubble Lady, Jungle Terry, Lake Farm Parks etc! Our school app will help parents stay connected to their child’s class activities with pictures and updates.

Where the Fun Begins and the Learning Never Ends!

Here at the Papillion Enrichment Center we recognize how important learning and fun is for children in the summer. This is a passionate summer camp that thrives on fun filled activities where children will truly enjoy themselves exploring nature while also gaining confidence in sports, leaderships in activities, and establishing lifelong friendships.

Our program begins Beginning of June and ends early August.

Our flexible hours are from 6:30am- 6pm.

Contact us today for cost and information!

The children are served two home-made meals and a afternoon snack at no additional cost.


“Great ADVENTURES with Great FRIENDS!”


  • Tutoring Two Days a Week
  • Outdoor Sports
  • Splash Days
  • Nature Walks
  • Dance Class
  • Cooking Class
  • Gymnastics
  • Field Trips
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Gardening
  • Science Experiments

Program Themes

  • Countries
  • Sports
  • Animals
  • Plants
  • Camping
  • Ocean
  • America
  • Family
  • Fitness